Hi, my name is


I like to build useful and fun things

I am a passionate developer. I am interested in making Games, Mobile Apps, Websites, Programs that uses Machine learning and AI and I am always open to learn new things.

About Me

I am a Game developer. I have a background in computer science, and I have a strong interest in the intersection of technology and art. I am currently working as a Game developer at AzrachIT in Lalitpur, Nepal.

I am currently involved in a project that facilitates multiplayer gaming using mobile phones, allowing people to play games together.

Here are a few technologies I've been working with recently:
  • Unreal Engine
  • AWS Gamelift
  • Android Multiplayer system
  • Python
  • C#
  • Unity


Game Developer - AzrachIT
June 2022 - present

I am currently working as a game developer at AzrachIT in Lalitpur, Nepal. I am currently working on a project that will be fun to play using mobile phones.

  • Unreal Engine.
  • AWS Gamelift EC2 (Building Server and hosting).
  • Worked on gameplay logic and mechanics.
  • Worked on making multiplayer system.
  • Made multiplayer work on Android.
  • Published game on google play console.
Data Entry - EKbana Solutions
Oct 2018 - Nov 2019

I worked in data entry position at Ekbana in Lalitpur, Nepal. I used to work on image annotation, like labeling satellite images and prepare labeled images data for machine learning purpose. I used to add ,update and remove basic data from excel sheet to website/ Paper forms to website. I used to collect data specific from google maps and make data in google sheets or excel file. I used to add location data in QGIS mad and also made line route for road in QGIS map.

  • Image Ammotator (Labelme).
  • Data entry.
  • QGIS
Image Annotator - IdenTV Nepal

I worked here as Immage annotator. I used Microsoft Vott to label images.

  • Microsoft Vott
  • Prepare data for Machine Learning by Labeling company brand images.


2019 - 2022
Bachelor of Science with Honours in Computer Science
University of Wolverhampton
GPA: First Class Honours
  • Created face detection attendance system using Django for Final Year Project
  • Automated Agents in Virtual World (Unity).
  • Data collection and Visualization work in Python.
  • Bookmark Management System (Django)
  • College Management System (Java)
  • Covid Data Form (Java + MySQL)
High School
National School of Sciences (NIST)
I completed HSEB from this college. My faculty was Science with Biology and Extra Math.
School (SLC)
Siddhartha Vanasthali Institute
GPA: 3.10

Get In Touch

My inbox is always open. Whether you have a question or just want to say hi, I’ll try my best to get back to you!